Welcome to the Nihon Ki-in
History of Topics 2017
18 Nov. The second Go Denou-sen match, Cho Chi Hun vs DeepZenGo !!

We are pleased to inform you that the Nihon Ki-in agrees with Deep Zen Go's programmer and its sponsor to set out `three game matches' with the legendary Cho Chi Hun 9p on 19th, 20th and 23rd November 2016!!
Deep Zen Go is seen as the second best computer go program now in the world because it gets the same system (i.e. deep learning) as AlphaGo.
*For your reference, Deep Zen got the ranking No.1 as KGS 9-dan in September 2016 and he has got even stronger now since then.
- All three matches will be played with even game with black giving 6.5 points komi.
- All three matches will be conducted in accordance with Japanese rules
- The time allowance is 2 hours, followed by three renewable 60 seconds byo-yomi.
How to watch the games:
Michael Redmond 9p and Antti Tormanen 1p will give live-commentaries on the special match in English for free at the following website (movie): http://www.nicovideo.jp/
* You are required to register as free member from above website.
The match will begin 13:00 on 19, 20 and 23 November (*in Japan local time).
The following English page will be opened soon:
(1) Match 1 (19 Nov):Cho Chi Hun vs DeepZenGo [English commentary]
The live will start from 12:30 in Japan local time
(2) Match 2 (20 Nov):Cho Chi Hun vs DeepZenGo [English commentary]
The live will start from 12:30 in Japan local time
(3) Match 3 (23 Nov):Cho Chi Hun vs DeepZenGo [English commentary]
The live will start from 12:30 in Japan local time
*You can also watch the game on WBaduk (Cyberoro).
Free Go Workshop for Beginners in Asakusa
Sunday, August 28, 2016
We carry out Go workshop in Asakusa for foreign visitors and foreign residents.
You can learn Go by professional Go players directly, and guidance are available in English, Chinese and Korean.
We will hand out the textbooks and paper-made Go sets.
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Time: 10:30~11:30, 13:00~14:00, 15:00~16:00
Venue: Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center 5F Main conference room
Organized by: Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Co-organized by:Taiko City
Supported by and in cooperation with: Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Special Cooperated by:The Nihon Ki-in
Please apply from here
We carry out Go workshop in Asakusa for foreign visitors and foreign residents.
You can learn Go by professional Go players directly, and guidance are available in English, Chinese and Korean.
We will hand out the textbooks and paper-made Go sets.
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2016
Time: 10:30~11:30, 13:00~14:00, 15:00~16:00
Venue: Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center 5F Main conference room
Organized by: Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Co-organized by:Taiko City
Supported by and in cooperation with: Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Special Cooperated by:The Nihon Ki-in
Please apply from here
Free Go Workshop for Beginners in Asakusa
Please be informed that the Nihon Ki-in elected and appointed board members and auditors on 28 June 2016 as follows:
【 Chairman 】 | |
DAN Hiroaki (*new) |
President of Tsushinbunka Association |
【 Vice Chairman 】 | |
YAMASHIRO Hiroshi | Professional 9 dan * Responsible for Finance Dept., Corporate Development and Overseas Affairs Dept. |
【 Executive Managing Director 】 | |
OHBUCHI Morito | Professional 9 dan * Responsible for General Affairs and Personnel Dept. |
ENDA Hideki | Professional 9 dan * Responsible for Kansai Office |
KOBAYASHI Chizu (*new) |
Female Professional 5 dan * Responsible for Pro Tournament Planning Dept./Cultural Olympiad of 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic |
HIRANO Norikazu | Professional 5 dan * Responsible for Go Promotion (for domestic) dept. |
HARA Sachiko (*new) |
Female Professional 4 dan * Responsible for Internet Dept./Publication Dept. |
SHIGENO Yuki (*new) |
Female Professional 2 dan * Responsible for Nagoya Office and Overseas Affairs Dept. |
【 Director 】 | |
AKUNE Misao | Permanent Auditor of Taisei Corporation |
IWASAKI Kazuto | Executive Officer of Kyushu Elecric Power Co., Inc. |
OGAWA Tomoko | Female Professional 6 dan |
SAITO Kiiko | Coordinator of Town Development (Kawagoe city) |
SUMI Kazuo | President of Hankyu Corporation |
HORI Yoshioto | President of Globis Corporation |
MATSUURA Koichiro | Ex-Secretary General of UNESCO |
【 Advisor 】 | |
OTAKE Hideo | Professional 9 dan |
【 Auditor-Secretary 】 | |
KUBO Hideo | Professional 6 dan |
MITSUDA Yoichi | CPA |
28 June. The Nihon Ki-in Go Camp 2016
`The Japan Go Congress' in Tokyo!
Japan Go Congress in Tokyo `the Nihon Ki-in Summer Go Camp' will be held as a programme of the 2020 Cultural Olympiad of Tokyo Olympic 2020!
It is our pleasure to announce that the Nihon Ki-in Go Camp 2016 will be held for 10 days from 23 August till 1 September 2016 at the Nihon Ki-in!
Japan Go Congress in Tokyo `the Nihon Ki-in Summer Go Camp' will be held as a programme of the 2020 Cultural Olympiad of Tokyo Olympic 2020!
It is our pleasure to announce that the Nihon Ki-in Go Camp 2016 will be held for 10 days from 23 August till 1 September 2016 at the Nihon Ki-in!

The Summer Go Camp will be held for overseas go players who want to improve your go level and to experience very rich Go culture in Japan and to make friends with the participants from around the world!!
Super Special Offer!
If you register earlier than 30 June 2016, the program fee is set out only 29,800 JPY!!
*Note that the program fee will be 45,000 JPY as a regular price from 1 July 2016.
For details:
Please check the official website of the Summer Go Camp 2016 as follows:
For inquiry:
For your inquiry, please email Tom to overseasdept@nihonkiin.or.jp
Super Special Offer!
If you register earlier than 30 June 2016, the program fee is set out only 29,800 JPY!!
*Note that the program fee will be 45,000 JPY as a regular price from 1 July 2016.
For details:
Please check the official website of the Summer Go Camp 2016 as follows:
For inquiry:
For your inquiry, please email Tom to overseasdept@nihonkiin.or.jp
03 February. News on Antti Tormanen
Antti Tormanen from Finland who was an insei student of the Nihon Ki-in has finished the Pro Exam winter 2015 with over 50% winning rate, which meets a Nihon Ki-in’s special rule on pro qualification for insei students with foreign nationality. Accordingly he will be officially certified as a professional shodan on 29th March 2016 at the Nihon Ki-in award ceremony. The diploma of a pro shodan will be given him by the chairman of the Nihon Ki-in at the ceremony.
He will play for his first match of a pro tournament on 17th FEB 2016. His opponent will be KIBE Natsuki 1p (female pro) for the first round of the preliminary of 6th Okage Cup. (*Okage Cup was created in 2010, a relatively new tournament, for U-30 pro players.)
He will also play for a ‘new shodan series’ of Go Weekly newspaper at the most famous room, Yugen no ma, before the award ceremony.
He will play for his first match of a pro tournament on 17th FEB 2016. His opponent will be KIBE Natsuki 1p (female pro) for the first round of the preliminary of 6th Okage Cup. (*Okage Cup was created in 2010, a relatively new tournament, for U-30 pro players.)
He will also play for a ‘new shodan series’ of Go Weekly newspaper at the most famous room, Yugen no ma, before the award ceremony.