31 March
Iyama Yuta defends Kisei title, defeating the challenger, Yamashita Keigo 9-dan pro, by 4-2. The sixth game of the 38th Kisei title match (best of seven games) was held in Niigata prefecture on 12 and 13 March 2014 and taking black, Iyama defeated Yamashita after 229 moves by resignation. Iyama still holds his sextuple crown (Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo, Tengen, Oza and Gosei).
The full results of the series are given as follows:
- Game 1 (11&12 Jan.): Iyama (W) won by half a point
- Game 2 (29&30 Jan.): Iyama (B) won by resignation
- Game 3 (6&7 Feb.): Iyama (W) won by resignation
- Game 4 (20&21 Feb.): Yamashita (W) won by half a point
- Game 5 (26&27 Feb.): Yamashita (B) won by 3.5 points
- Game 6 (12&13 Mar.): Iyama (B) won by resignation

he playoff match to enter the 39th Kisei league tournament was played at the Nihon Ki-in on 21 March 2014. Ichiriki Ryo 4-dan pro defeated Cho U 9-dan pro by resignation and he has entered the league at the youngest age (16 years old and 9 months) in Japanese go history. Ichiriki got promotion to 7-dan pro on 22 March 2014.
Before Ichiriki breaks the record, Iyama Yuta held the record for qualification to the Kisei league at the youngest age (17 years and 10 months) in 2007.
The 39th Kisei league tournament will start from June 2014. Yamashita Keigo 9p, 25th Honinbo Chikun, Kobayashi Satoru 9p, Hane Naoki 9p, Yoda Norimoto 9p, Takao Shinji 9p, Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p, Murakawa Daisuke 7p who have stayed at the Kisei league and four new players who will be qualified including Ichiriki will play at the league.

In June 2012, the Nihon Ki-in made a five-year agreement on the advancement of computer Go with the University of Electro-Communications and decided to hold official competitions (Densei-sen) between first class professional players and top computer Go programs for five years.
The 2nd Densei competition was held at The University of Electro-Communications on 21 March 2014. Giving 4 stones handicap, Yoda Norimoto 9p played two matches against top two computer programs: Zen and Crazy Stone
The full results are given as follows:
- 1st Game: Crazy Stone (runner-up of the 7th UEC Cup) beat Yoda 9p by 2.5 points
- 2nd Game: Yoda 9p beat Crazy Stone (winner of the 7th UEC Cup) by resignation
* |
Rule:Japanese Rule, four stones handicap game (komi of half a point given to black)
30 minutes for time allowance and 30 seconds byo-yomi |
* |
Prizes:100,000 Japanese Yen for a winner of 1st Game
200,000 Japanese Yen for a winner of 2nd Game |
We are pleased to inform you that this year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Nihon Ki-in and we will provide the Special Summer Go School from 26th August 2014 with intensive training programs and cultural events!
- Term: From 26th August till September 4th 2014
- Place: The Nihon Ki-in (Tokyo)
- Participants: Suitable for from 10 kyu up to high dan players
Pro Lecture and Workshops
Selective and experienced pros including a famous and first class 9-dan pro of the Nihon Ki-in will provide you with fantastic workshops every day!! They will also give you teaching games and deep analysis and reviews.
* Special textbook and materials will be given so that you can improve your go skill.
New Features in 2014
- Most Popular Amateur Tournament!
You will play at Japan's most popular amateur tournament âTakara Shuzou Cup' for which over 1000 people play!
* You can drink alcoholic beverages (Japanese Sake) for free!
* All participants will be given fantastic prize of Japanese Sake by the sponsor!
- Day trip to the 10th Game!
You will visit a famous place in Kamakura where the very famous 10th game was played by Go Seigen and Kitani Minoru.
(*Kamakura is a very popular tourist destination. Kamakura offers numerous historical monuments and Kamakura's sand beaches attract large crowds during summer)
- Most Expensive Goban!?
You will visit the famous and traditional Goban shop in Tokyo.
You can see more than US$100,000 expensive go boards and a very old and beautiful goban from 16th century which is absolutely priceless!

Special Offer!
Please download and get the
entry form and
detailed information from here (
Word) and submit the form to overseasdept@nihonkiin.or.jp
* If you subscribe us the entry form before 30th April 2014, you will get 10% discount of the fee!
Please kindly note the followings :
1) |
The Summer Go School may be cancelled if the number of participants does not reach 10 people. |
2) |
This is not an annual regular event which means that it may not be held next year. |
If you have a question on the Summer Go School,
please feel free to contact us to