31 March

Iyama Yuta defends Kisei title for three years in a row, defeating the challenger, Yamashita Keigo 9-dan pro. The first three games of the 39th Kisei title match (best of seven games) were won by Iyama but Yamashita came back to win three games in a row from the fourth game.
The seventh game (the final game) was held in Niigata prefecture on 19 and 20 March 2015 and taking black, Iyama defeated Yamashita after 216 moves by 5.5 points.
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Iyama's comment: `I faced a crucial moment so I am just relieved now' |
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Yamashita's comment: `I am content to have played for the final game of the Kisei title match, but I am disappointed with the final game because I misread and played badly at the opening'. |
The full results of the series are given as follows:
- Game 1 (15&16 Jan.): Iyama (B) won by half a point
- Game 2 (29&30 Jan.): Iyama (W) won by resignation
- Game 3 ( 5&6 Feb.): Iyama (B) won by 1.5 points
- Game 4 (19&20 Feb.): Yamashita (B) won by 2.5 points
- Game 5 (25&26 Feb.): Yamashita (W) won by resignation
- Game 6 (11&12 Mar.): Yamashita (B) won by resignation
- Game 7 (19&20 Mar.): Iyama (B) won by 5.5 points

The 62nd NHK cup tournament was an extraordinary exciting result.
The final game of the 62nd NHK cup was played by the youngest finalists: Ida Atsushi 8p (20 years old) and Ichiriki Ryo 7p (17 years old).
Whoever Ida or Ichiriki wins the game will become the youngest NHK cup title holder. To advance to the final, Ichiriki beat two title holders: Iyama Yuta (Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo and Judan) in the semi-final match and Takao Shinji (Tengen and Judan) in the quarter-final match. Ida also beat Yuki Satoshi 9p in the third round who won NHK Cup for three years in a row since 2012.
In the final, Ida defeated Ichiriki by resignation after 257 moves and becomes the youngest NHK cup title holder in history. Ichiriki still has chance to break Ida's youngest record next year or 2017.

Hsieh Yi Min wins her eighth consecutive Women's Meijin title. The second game of the 27th Women's Meijin title match (three-match series) was played on 11 March 2015 in Kyoto. Hsieh beat the challenger, Suzuki Ayumi 6-dan pro, by resignation after 177 moves and defends the title with straight wins by 2-0.
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Hsieh's comments: `I made some mistakes in the game, but I think I did my best.' |
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Suzuki's comments: `I am delighted to have played at such a big stage, but I am disappointed with the result.' |
The full results of the series are given as follows:
-Game 1 (7 Mar): Hsieh (W) wins by resignation
-Game 2 (11 Mar): Hsieh (B) wins by resignation

The Shusai prize is given to the most outstanding player in Japan. The award is a tribute to 21th Honinbo Shusai Meijn.
The winner of the 52nd Shusai prize is Iyama Yuta who defends Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo and Gosei titles.
The Shusai prize winner is nominated by the selection committee on 3 February 2015. The members of the selection committee are Saito Juuro (Ex-president of the House of Councilors), Miyoshi Toru (writer), Wada Norio (chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Zyagawa Tadaaki (vice chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p (vice chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Ohbuchi Morito 9p (president of Shusai Kai) and Ishida Yoshio (24th Honinbo).

The Nihon Ki-in Summer Go Camp 2015 will be held in a historical go place!
At the Nihon Ki-in Summer Go Camp 2015 (21 Aug – 3 Sep),
on August 27 and 28, the participants will be given a very special training by a few of selective excellent teachers (professionals) at a very famous Go Ryokan, '
Sugi no yado', which is the best environment to study go. Very peaceful location, Wonderful meals, First class kaya goban and shell stones, Beautiful tatami rooms, Hot spring (Onsen)....
A very famous 'Fujisawa Shuko Training Camp' was held at Sugi no yado every year for a couple of decades in which many great players took part including Yoda Norimoto, Yuki Satoshi, Takao Shinji and Iyama Yuta...
For details of `Special Training Days', please visit the following webpage:
*Special Offer: If you are
U-25 students and register for the Summer Go Camp before
31 May 2015, you will get
10% OFF the program fee on the website!
For registration, please visit our official website of the Summer Go Camp 2015 as follows:

The European Go Cultural Centre (EGCC) which office is located in Amsterdam will host `World Wide Iwamoto Award'. In succession to the European editions, the Iwamoto Award becomes global.
According to EGCC, the main purpose of World Wide Iwamoto Award is to follow Iwamoto Kaoru's wish of spreading Go around the world and through the gathering and exchange of ideas it can lead to a higher quality of popularization of Go all over the world.
The jury consists of 8 people around the world including Shigeno Yuki 2p, ex-secretary general of International Go Federation.
For further details of the Iwamoto Award, please check out the website of EGCC as follows: